Professional Workshops


Empathic leadership for educators and school boards

Learn How to Calm Angry Parents and Students Without Losing Your Cool

Empathic leadership development is essential for teachers, educators, administrators, and school board members. Without the ability to connect with students and parents quickly and effectively, conflict escalates.  More Information Here



Doug Noll provide empathic leadership training tro hospitals and medical groups

Empathic Leadership  Development For Hospitals and Medical Groups

Empathic leadership development is an essential risk and practice management tool in health care management.. Without the ability to connect with patients and colleagues quickly and effectively, conflict escalates.  More Information Here



Learn how to de-escalate violent situations without the use of force

Learn How to De-Escalate Violent Situations Without the Use of Force

Learning how to de-escalate violent situations without the use of force is an essential law enforcement skill. Without the ability to connect with snd calm angry people down quickly and effectively, the conflict escalates rapidly out of control. More Information Here



The Most Advanced Legal Negotiation and Mediation Advocacy Training Available Anywhere

Doug teaches legal negotiation and mediation advocacy in person to bar associations, law firms, insurance claims departments, and corporate counsel offices and online. More Information Here



Doug Noll trains and coaches business leadership negotiation and decision making skills

Business Leadership, Negotiation, and Decision Making Skills Training

Doug Noll offers a variety of curriculum’s that include a series of four hour lessons in the principles and practice business leadership, negotiation, and decision making skills, followed by weekly small group or individual coaching sessions. Over a 10 week period, participants begin to master the skills and change the way they see their world. More Information Here



Doug Noll teaches de-escalation skills so that you can calm an angry person without losing your cool.

Learn How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less

If you are concerned about the loss of respect and civility in daily life or about violence in your neighborhoods, consider bringing in Doug for de-escalation training. In his day-long de-escalation training workshop, your leaders and members will learn how to de-escalate strong emotions, solve problems, and create accountable agreements with everyone around them. More Information Here

