Business Leadership, Negotiation, and Decision Making Skills Training Business leadership, negotiation, and decision making skills are essential to your organization’s success.

Business Leadership, Negotiation, and Decision Making Skills Training Business leadership, negotiation, and decision making skills are essential to your organization’s success. The foundational knowledge for business leadership, negotiation, and decision making is the same. Doug Noll’s deep insights from his 40 years of experience in business, law, and academia are revealed in his training and coaching.

His approach to leadership development is based on a fundamental understanding of the human brain. Likewise, negotiation and decision making skills are simply practical applications of the same basic ideas. Once your leaders have grasped the essence of Doug’s unique teachings, their business leadership, negotiation, and decision making skills will accelerate your organization to the next level of growth and success. Like any worthwhile endeavor, business leadership, negotiation, and decision making skills must be learned, practiced and honed to be mastered. Research shows that mastery of business leadership, negotiation, and decision making skills will not come from a one-off workshop.

In fact, professional development workshops have an abysmal record at changing behaviors and attitudes. Doug Noll offers a variety of curriculums that include a series of four hour lessons in the principles and practice business leadership, negotiation, and decision making skills, followed by weekly small group or individual coaching sessions. Over a 10 week period, participants begin to master the skills and change the way they see their world. Topics include: The somatic, cognitive, and neurophysiologic components of emotion The concept of emotional categorization and its opposite, alexithymia Understanding the decision making systems in the brain The four levels of reflective listening The skill of affect labeling to de-escalate strong emotions The skill of core messaging The skill of results-based listening The skill of making accountable agreements Understanding negotiation as a problem-solving skill Understanding and demonstrating proficiency in interest-based and distributive negotiation Learning how to make decisions in risky, uncertain, and ambiguous situations.

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