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November 22

Mindset Shifts: 4 Powerful Ways To Transform Your Life



Mindset Shifts: 4 Powerful Ways To Transform Your Life


Mindset Shifts: Thoughts That Are Holding You Back

Your mindset plays a major role in how you move through life. When you carry along a negative mindset, you will see it negatively affect other aspects of your life. Your mindset shapes your experiences and how you make sense of the world. If you’re not careful you might be holding yourself back from achieving your full potential.

If you are tired of negative thoughts holding you back then make a change. To take control of your life, read on for tips that will help you break away from your unhealthy mindset and get you back on a positive track. Interpersonal Communication-5 Powerful Tools To Rocket Your Business Career

Blaming Others

When faced with challenges, it can be easy to fall prey to the blame game. Blaming others for mistakes you have made or why you have not been able to reach your goals. Staying in this mindset is comfortable because it removes responsibility and accountability for your own actions and places it on others around you. However, remaining in this mindset will only create more failure and stunt your personal growth.

Shift to a personal responsibility mindset

Shift your mindset by reflecting on your actions and moments you have stood in your own way. It’s important to acknowledge when you are blaming others. Being self-aware is the first step to ending the blame game. Also understand how you have contributed to a mistake. It’s easy to see where others are to blame, but self-blaming can be tricky. However, once identified, use that frustration to drive you to do better.

A helpful tool to end the blame game is developing empathy for those you tend to blame. Nurturing your empathy will allow you to consider the factors that could have led to a mistake and will help you become a better colleague or friend. Remember, you are in charge of your life; shifting your mindset will help you take responsibility and recognize your mistakes.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Afraid Of Failing

Whether you’re setting personal or professional goals, failure can seem like the scariest part of achieving your goals. Failure to a lot of people means not being good enough, causing an increased sense of insecurity, and allowing anxiety to take control of the driver’s seat. Focusing on failure keeps you safe from stepping outside of your comfort zone, which seems beneficial in the moment but will hinder growth in the future.

Shift To A Growth Mindset

When you focus on nurturing your growth mindset, you improve your skills and overall life. Unlike those with a fixed mindset who struggle to see the positive in challenges. Reframe how you see failure instead of letting it overpower you. Failure is a setback, and can be a part of any long journey to achieving their goals. Don’t let the idea of failure shift your mindset somewhere negative. Look at your failures as a learning opportunity that can prepare you for later or when dealing with similar issues. Also, use it to gain more insight and sharpen your expertise. How To Have A Relationship Without Arguments or Fights-3 Amazing Steps To Take Now

If you feel as though the fear of failure might be triggering your anxiety, don’t throw in the towel just yet. It’s vital to first, pinpoint your anxiety triggers, and then find effective ways to manage them. This will help you push forward without fear of triggering stress. Life doesn’t always work out the way we plan. However, shift your mindset and remember, if you take failure personally, you will just continue a cycle of self-doubt that will result in failure.

Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

Loops of Negativity

Everyone has negative thoughts that creep in from time to time. It could be from a simple mistake you made during the work day from an uncomfortable interaction with a friend. Our minds like to focus on the bad shifting your mindset to obsess over the not so comfortable aspects of life. Although this can be normal, it can also lead to a loop of negativity if you’re not careful. A negative thought loop assumes the worst from any situation, and causes you to doubt yourself and others around you.

Shift To A Positive Mindset

In order to deal with negative thoughts, you have to first recognize them. If you find yourself constantly participating in negative self-talk due to worries about the past or future, then challenge your negative thoughts. Anger can often be the main source of a negative mindset. Before allowing yourself to get worked up, try to understand the root cause of your anger. When you are stuck in a loop of negativity it can often cloud your judgment, instead of marinating in negativity, try to add a positive perspective.

Adding a positive perspective will help you cope with the challenges that come with daily life. You will then see challenges as opportunities that make you better. However, if you are finding it tough to shift your negative mindset then consider talking to the people in your life or a professional if thoughts worsen. Online therapy platforms are a great resource for those struggling to reframe their thoughts, while looking for a more personalized approach. Talking about your feelings can be difficult, however, it can help shine a light on a new positive perspective. How to Honor Your Emotions With This 1 Powerful Tool

Living In The Past

It’s natural to live in the past when you are fearful of the present. Often our thoughts fixate on past experiences as a coping mechanism. Although it’s easy to dwell on past emotions and experiences, it can stunt your personal growth, and neglect not only your present but also your future. Once you start to notice this becomes a continuous pattern it’s crucial that you address it before the past consumes you.

Shift To A Present Mindset

Shifting to a present mindset can be difficult, especially when you don’t realize how much of the past you were holding onto. When you experience trauma, whether that be personal or professional, you might find yourself holding onto it to protect yourself. However, when you live in the past you are holding yourself back from fully healing.

Any past trauma you are holding onto should be seen as a learning opportunity that can later be looked at as a starting point for growth. When you feel your brain fixate on the ‘what ifs’ or ‘should have beens’ shift your mindset by focusing on the present in an optimistic manner.

Allow time for yourself to engage in self-care when you are hurting. Doing activities or hobbies that bring you joy and listening to your current needs will help you refocus yourself in the present moment. As well as pay attention to your current emotion. Reframing your thought patterns and remembering you can’t change the past, only healing from it will help you release your past and make room for the future.

Life is what you make of it, and our thoughts help us make sense of the world around us. Your thought patterns have the power to shape the life you live.They directly influence your experiences and perception of the world, and affect how you maneuver through it. Although at times you feel powerless to the negativity around you, remember, you are responsible for shifting your mindset. Don’t let doubt in yourself hold you back from your full potential.

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    About the Author

    Douglas E. Noll, JD, MA left a successful career as a trial lawyer to become a peacemaker. His calling is to serve humanity, and he executes his calling at many levels. He is an award-winning author, speaker, teacher, and trainer. He is a highly experienced mediator. Doug’s work carries him from international work to helping people resolve deep interpersonal and ideological conflicts.


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