How to Become a Leader Everyone Wants to Follow
Gain Respect, Safety, And Control As a Leader
With 4 Simple Secrets
In The Next Hour, You Are Going To Discover How To Unleash The Leader Within
I started working with Doug a few months ago in order to develop skills that would help de-escalate tension while sheltering-in-place with family. The techniques he teaches were very useful to that end. I have found myself incorporating them in many other situations as well, such as with patients and staff in the office, in dialogue with friends, and with my toddler son. Some of his techniques are simple enough that I was able to use them immediately, with profound effect. Additionally, his approach is helping me to conserve mental and emotional energy while navigating challenging interpersonal dynamics, which has been invaluable for this working mom. I highly recommend his training.
Elizabeth Arris
Your book and training have been the most profound life-changing efforts I have ever put my time and effort into. I am a Clinical Psychotherapist graduating with high honors. I started my own clinical practice several years ago which is successful. My focus is cognitive rehabilitation with a specialty in neuroscience and brain injury. I tell you that only so you know I have read and studied a lot of material. Mr. Noll, your message was received with the utmost appreciation. Through your work, I am a much better person, therapist, mother, friend, wife, and all the other roles I play in life. This should be a requirement for all clinical therapist to read. I learned more from you that all my work in grad school in reference to seeing the big picture. Again, I just wanted you to know the impact you have made on my life and how grateful I am.
Tori Johnson
...on how to become incredibly powerful in the work place.
About the Presenter
Douglas E. Noll, JD, MA
Doug Noll has coached and trained women in places as diverse as the largest, most violent women's prison in the world (teaching life inmates how to be peacemakers and mediators to stop prison violence) and the Congressional Budget Office (teaching senior analysts how to calm members of Congress and staff). He is the author of four books and teaches at the Straus Institute of Dispute Resolution, Caruso School of Law, Pepperdine University.