Here's how to register, purchase, and log in to your courses.

1. If you are already registered, click on the Log-in button to the upper right above the form (on your phone, the form is below this text). The form will change so you just have to add your user or email address and your password.

2. If you are just joining us, fill out the form to the upper right (or below this text on your phone) and click on the Create Account button. A credit card form will appear. Insert your card number, expiration date, and CVV and click Purchase. Your data is encrypted and sent to Stripe for processing. No data other than your user name, email, and password are stored here. In a few seconds, your purchase will be processed, and you will be sent to your course.

If you have the slightest problem, please email so we can troubleshoot for you.

Password Reset

Please enter your email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email

Password Reset

The instructions to reset your password are sent to the email address you provided.

If you did not receive the email, please check your spam folder as well.
